Sunday, December 7, 2008



Love and affection, I am taught, are the two great virtues,

Of our Indian culture in all its bright hues.

And hence I love everyone more or less equally,

But simultaneously can’t help loving our politicians most dearly.

For they truly work diligently….day and night,

For ameliorating all our miseries and woeful plight.

Hence they deserve all my love unconditionally,

Lets look at some examples to prove this unequivocally.


“SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL…”.E.F Schumacher said,

Ergo, they don’t spare any effort in beautifying our motherland.

Region, Religion, Caste and Votebank –by dividing our country on these flimsy basis, 

They’re making our country undergo a “Beautiful” metamorphosis.


Who said gladiatorial fights were a thing of the past

Of the Roman Empire, that cared for its people’s time pass.

See how much our politicians care about our leisure…right!!

And hence they give us our daily dose of Legislatorial fisticuffs and fights.


They believe in the JIT (Just in Time) concept,

In saving valuable time…oh! They are adept.

And hence refuse to do anything for “five short years”,

But distribute currency notes as the elections come near.


Our politicians..hats off to them!! really believe in reaching the top

That’s why they clamour for reservations in IITs, IIMs and the institutes of top notch.

“What a crap …they say is UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION,

Forget it …’cause we’re giving you Top quality institutions.”


They’re a modern people with new ideas for the future,

And hence they give a damn…to the yesteryears. 

“Did someone say…JAI JAWAAN, JAI KISAAN !!

But that’s an archaic 40 year slogan…

And hence forget about jawaan and kisaan …”

They say “…and lets just move ahead with panache and shaan....”


Family is the sacred most of all our institutions,

Says Indian culture, that father’s incomplete jobs are completed by his children.

Ergo, we see our politicians preserve its sanctimony,

By bequeathing their legacy, while still alive, to their progeny and crony.


Our politicians are the most “educated” of the lot,

Many are graduates without any blot.

But their one degree that stands head and shoulders above the rest,

That is …in corruption they beat the world’s best. 

And hence they bring laurels to the country,

By asserting “Forget T20….here we are the world champs , better than all and sundry.”


Politicians hold martyrs in great reverence,

I salute them! as they shower martyr’s kin with cheques and condolence.

However some of them conveniently forget the Latin maxim,

Which says De mortius nil nisi bonum.

(say nothing but good of the dead)


A chaotician tells me, “bliss is max when chaos is at its peak…”

I told you.. how fortunate we are….to have such a wonderful clique!

For they leave no stone unturned in making our lives blissful,

By ensuring that our country is chaotic …and in these acts they are very skilful.


Guru Shishya parampara is the hallmark of our Indian milieu,

To this.. our politicians accord a great value.

Ergo, they attach a high importance to the parampara of servility and sycophancy,

And give a damn to the mundane trait of meritocracy!


They all have studied psychological models of memory,

How learned they are! hence have excellent Long Term memory.

However on the front of short term memory..they fall a little short,

That is why all of them say, “I WAS QUOTED OUT OF CONTEXT” when caught.


They pledge their allegiance to The Rule of Law,

I can’t thank them enough for graciously averring “Equality before and Equal protection of” the Law.

Albeit they have created altogether a new Law,

In which they themselves are and above country’s every other Law.


Our politicians swear by Democracy, the word

I thank God for bestowing upon us this wonderful herd.

That indulges in such a wonderful grammatolatory,

And cares only for getting elected “Democratically.

Ergo, in order to escape from looking awkward,

They easily forget the spirit behind Democracy, the word.


They specialise in taking everyone together,

Oh I love them! ‘cause they have become polity’s Coalition ushers.

Please don’t mind… but sometimes they fail in keeping the flock together,

When some aaya ram gaya ram, for ministerial berths, move helter-skelter.


Our venerable politicians believe in living in the present,

And hence we should also forget their past, and shouldn’t resent.

After all it shouldn’t be a big deal if they have “trivial” criminal precedents,

Ergo, they say, “let bygones be bygones” and move ahead without being sentient. 


Human life is the most precious of the God’s gifts,

And they know this ‘cause they attach a great importance to it.

That is why caring and securing human lives dominates their mind.

Of course …in their list of lives, mango man’s(aam aadmi) is far behind,

Thus while terrorists blow mango men to smithereens,

They flaunt NSG, SPG commandos and bask in their sheen.


Examples can be many and the list could continue ad infinitum,

Hence, I’ll divulge something and then keep mum.

My LOVE for our dear politicians – of all sizes and shapes,

Is no ordinary love but something par excellence.

Because they have such an impressive repertoire of traits,

That makes them Ludicrous, Ogres, Venal & Egregious and us irates. 


I hope hence, I’ve, justified why our politicians deserve all my love unconditionally,

With some examples, that I believe, have proven this unequivocally.